With an iTutoring Site License, every teacher and student of your school will have access to iTutoring. Contact us to get a quote for your school.
Teachers can teach the lesson of the day by clicking through the online presentations. Each presentation does a great job of visually communicating each math concept by using color, animations, and transitions. Every presentation is created to enhance the learning experience.
Teachers can play videos in the classroom for students to watch and learn the lesson of the day. While watching the videos, the students can work through the lesson with the videos by printing off the Lesson Notes that correspond with each video lesson.
Teachers can connect each problem listed on a chapter test review with the corresponding iTutoring video. Again, an iTutoring video reference will give students and parents direction to the correct video to watch in order to help the student complete test reviews before chapter tests.
Teachers can connect each lesson of a chapter syllabus with the corresponding iTutoring video(s). An iTutoring video reference will give the students and parents direction to the correct video to view if questions occur about a lesson.
Teacher can require students to watch videos and work through corresponding Lesson Notes for upcoming lessons. This implementation will give students exposure to upcoming lessons and prepare them for classroom discussion.
Teachers can require students to complete the Lesson Notes for each lesson after the topic has already been covered in the classroom. Assigning the Lesson Notes as homework will give the students more exposure to each concept to help solidify understanding.
Students that are ill or absent from the classroom will be able to watch the videos for the lessons that were missed. Home access will allow ill or absent students to keep up with the pace of the classroom as well as minimizing make-up work.
Teachers that are ill or absent from the classroom no longer have to come back to a classroom that has lost days of learning. Substitute teachers can simply play the lesson videos in order to keep the class on schedule and progressing throughout the year.
Teacher can open up each class with a class warm-up video. Instead of watching the video for the current day’s lesson, the teacher can play videos of previous lessons as a review tool. Reviewing precious concepts will help the student’s math skills develop and solidify.
Students can print off and work through an SAT practice tests as warm- up exercises at the beginning of class. This exposure will help students become more familiar with the SAT test and more comfortable when taking the test on their own.